OpenWood Collection Online Reveal
Welcome to Day 2
Colleen Diazانجام شده
What This Event Is All About
Brandon Freemanانجام شده
First Day Wrapup
Colleen Diazانجام شده
Log House Building
Nicole Fordانجام شده
10 DIY Furniture Ideas For Absolute Beginners
Addison Olsonانجام شده
Restoring Old Woodworking Tools
Floyd Stewardانجام شده
Pretty. Ugly. Lovely.
Nicole Fordانجام شده
Woodworking: How I got started!
Brandon Freemanانجام شده
Logs to lumber
Addison Olsonانجام شده
6 Woodworking tips and tricks for beginners
Toni Rhodesانجام شده
Securing your Lumber during transport
Round Table
Location: Furniture
2024/9/10، 10:30
2024/9/10، 12:00
(1 ساعت 30 دقیقه)
Colleen Diaz works in IT sector since 10 years. He is known notably for selling mouse traps. With that trick he cut IT budget by almost half within the last 2 years.
Use these simple steps to easily haul LONG lumber in a short box pickup truck. A dose of carpenter's ingenuity along with a couple boards, a sturdy strap and a few screws are all I use to easily haul long boards from the lumberyard to the Next Level Carpentry shop or jobsite.
Using a unique wrapping method for a tie down strap (NOT Bungee cords!!!) allows lumber to be cinched securely WITHOUT the need to tie and untie tricky or complicated knots.